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YMonday, August 18, 2008' 9:06 PM


today was super duper COOL!

thou lessons were still as dry..

however with the help of cheerful GQ,

it was super cool la!

today woke up kinda late la..

woke up at 6.35am..

then chiong to school la..

of cos i made it in time la..

i super duper fast ok..

ok very lame le..

went up to class go put bag then went down for morning assembly..

lame le..

every monday also kena do morning exercise=.=

like small kids lidat..

but hor the clap,clap thingy quite fun la.


after the lame assembly went to the field for P.E!!

yea!!i love P.E!

we were taught the game of soft ball!

was cool la!!

some more my partner was super duper hyper la!!

two periods of P.E..

then went back to class for normal lessons la!


wad to do must study hard wads..

CE was ok la..

but hor the Mr.Elfie's method of teaching was super duper cool la!!

can eat in class le!!

plus hor during his period can switch off the lights le!!

super COOL la!

he also can talk cock la!!

and i mean talk cock!!


dono wad banana thingy la!!


after CE was POA!!

of cos to me it was sleeping time...


i sleep until the teacher asked me if i was ok anot..

then i asked him why he asked this question la..

so he went like this,"you everytime also sleep..you sure you ok anot??are you sick??"

i was like WTH=.=

but i have to agree la

i everytime also sleep de.


then after awhile when i sending song that time then he come sit beside me..

and like glare lidat..

quickly hide the phone la..


then he asked how are we coping with maths so we say la..

we dont understand some things..

then he started asking for the questions we didnt understand and started explaining la!

putri,olivia,firdiana and i were like looking at him and giving that 'i understand' face la..



then went the recess bell!

faster chiong down..

i ate siew mai today.

after recess was stupid jackson's lesson!

english sucks la!:)

then dono wad happen GQ,azlin,firdiana and i were like crapping..

we did not pay attention la..

wah seh!

today damn unexpected la..


GQ was like pouring out some of his tales..

so not like him la..

he seriously seemed like a problem-free , happy-go-lucky kid..

but it was soo the opposite la..

after we changed place right,this was the first time i saw the other side of

GQ once again!!!

he really damn cute la..

for a moment i realised that he was a kind-hearted,pure and compassionate person la!:)

i not praising him hor..

he really had those values ok?!

*p.s:GQ if you ever come across this blog..remember,jiayou!:)i support you de!

we were like crapping and hearing GQ's tales for like 3 period ok..

seriously it was worthwhile la..


thou we did not pay attention!


then after those 3 periods of fun time was tamil la!


today hor really the day was like damn wasted!

Ms Mages nvr come!!



actually was heartbroken la..

cos tamil lesson very fun de..



but since she nvr come gowri,ritika and i were like crapping our time away la..

main reason was to kill time faster!


was hearing songs and looking at the violent side of gowri!


'ding dong! ding dong!'

yay!!end of school la.


left for home with ritika sending me to the mrt station.

dont play play ah..

i got body guard ok!!:)


dont jealous la!

after school meet my scandal la!

she was excited and confused about my dream since yesterday can..

expected la.

she keep making me repeat the dream for like about 3-4 times ok.

until i also very sian le.


she met me bcos wanted to ask me how did she looked in that outfit!


p.s:angela darlinks' you looked super duper cute ok..:))

wah!!i type until my finger very pain le..

k la..

tmr still got school..

shall stop here.



YSunday, August 17, 2008' 10:07 PM

today was hell la!!
damn boring!!!
nth to do at all la!!
was practically lazying arnd!!
wake up le then did my my morning chores all..
then ate breakfast..
then later at about 1 plus watch tv until dono wad time la..
then mummy said she wanna go down buy things to make something la..
so i decided to tag along la..
at the same time of cos i dont go down for free de wads..
so altered my jeans la..
then come home le..
then i volunteered to cook that dono wad banana thingy la..
mix the banana into paste then add the flour la..
then add sugar...
lastly FRY!!
while frying of cos i got steal some la..
wait!but maybe not some..
but many!
so after eat le..
mummy specially fried some for julydia also la..
actually fried for angela also...
but she going out so nvrm la..
i go over to july's house pass her the banana thingy..
then we together go collect my jeans..
collect ready...
we walked back la..
on our way back was like telling her about wad sergio said about the chem test la..
she was damn irritated la.
who wouldnt be anyway..
he nvr put in effort to revise ok..
but maybe we also nvr used the right method to teach him la..
so next time must get him more involved!
then after that we went home..
watch DHOOL!!
i really wanted apsara asia to get in la!!
but it's ok la!!
then after DHOOL...
i was practically rotting on the sofa!!
then decided to blog la..
now chatting wit angela also!!
she busy flirting with her crush la!!

top secret conversation:

фФ♠ÅŗFĬQ♠Фф says:
mmm.. depends on how it looks.. i dunno how it looks wad.. but its better to wear a dress.. dinner in simei? haha.. who is tat lucky guy?

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:
guy ah?

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says
i said class la

hфФ♠ÅŗFĬQ♠Фф says:
oh ok... din see properly.. who knows after ur dinner?aha

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:
yaya...tryin to be smart

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:
i got no guy

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:
no date

I wish to tell you that i have loved you for 5 years. [ i love W25J ] says:
no nth

фФ♠ÅŗFĬQ♠Фф says:
haha ok.. go find 1 soon

most prob she gonna call me and torture me later!!
cant wait to hear more from her la!
although i'm suppose to help promote
it's like i can
i'm on the GREEN SIDE la!!
wad to do!
it's all his doing!!-
qouted by angela.
wakaka!!you know wad i mean,girl!
cant wait for her call la!!
her excitement really excites me la!!
pity josh la..
but wad to do..
5 years crush le!!
k la..
i very excited le..
i better stop here la!!
nights ppl!!:)

Labels: ,

YSaturday, August 16, 2008' 9:27 PM

today very sian la!!
was crapping with angela all the way la!!
arfiq,arfiq and more
she forever de la..
wad to do..
her heartbreaker wads!!!
pathetic josh.
angela i didnt meant to tempt you wit my dream,but i swear tat would be my reaction!

first we went to Lot 1.
i swear i'm in love with vogue la!!
the clothes there not bad le..
then very sian le..
then we walked home ..
instead we ended up slacking at my favourite ancient treehouse!!!
damn crappy la..
angela emo..
i sing,sing and crap around la..
wad else you wan me do??
then suddenly heard a bike sound..
*broom broooom...*
OMG!!it was him la!!
WTH!!but dono whr he going to also...
then decided to go market...

actually wanted to buy chocolate...
but when we reach the NTUC le..
i don wan buy le..
so wanted to walk one big round back home la..
suddenly heard a bike sound again!!!
*broom broooom...*
him again!!
this time with a pillion rider..

then angela was like faster look!!
so i look la..
just when i was about to turn and look la..
he also look!!!
damn stress la..
but he damn cute.....
then later we go kk go but barley la..
wad else??
wanna see him wads..
he directly infront la...
then after looking go back lor

going back time saw lunatic again!
then watch the dono wad show but got kumar..
then watch goal!
then now blogging la..
so sleepy le..
k la..
tmr most prob gonna play badminton with angela..
so nights ppl!!
sleep tight!:)


YFriday, August 15, 2008' 10:36 PM

angela,me and sandhiya
today's school was super cool can..
POA lesson was converted into fun time due to the absence of Mdm Asmidah..
fun yet sleepy la..
was sleeping thru out the entire three periods.
Yash keep disturbing me!!
then woke up for recess.
didnt eat was not hungry can..
no appetite at all de la.
history was as usual,FUN!
then came michael jackson!!
the 'SHE' version.
i really dono hw she become tcher de la.
always coming to class SWEATING!
plus cannot even pronounce names properly la..
english tcher somemore!dumb.
as usual la..
bing shu,GQ,yash,olivia,fabian &sean they all keep bullying her la.
until like she wanna give up le la.
serve her right la!
always NAG!
then after school went home la.
as usual met my scandal!!:0
we went to walk walk arnd TW.
then when we going back home at about 8 lidat..
sandhiya called..
"akka,akka!!! the lunatic chasing me...HELP ME!!!"
angela's immediate reaction..
*pulled my arm,running!*
our nightmare wads..
then i rmb sandhiya needed our help..
so chiong over to her then see who she talking about la..
the same LUNATIC!
then we all went home together la..
then after watching drama..
now blogging and chatting on the phone la..
k la..i lazy wanna type le..
nights ppl!:))
many loves♥


YThursday, August 14, 2008' 9:06 PM

first time blogging.
dono how to use but tempted to create de..
nvrm de la..
to use but was can always learn!!

frens out thr do link me up:)
k la..i start my story now la.

today was damn BORING la!!
studied so hard yesterday but was sick!
really damn fed up la!
since nvr go school,i woke up at 8.15am.
then go bathe and get ready go polyclinic la..
whr else can i go??
spent 3 hours there.
was accompanied by angela darls'
or else means confirm die of boredom la.
then ltr we went to slack la..

slacked at blk 110.
slack untill 2 plus,then angela say she wanna go mac use lappy..
so she went home take the lappy,then go down meet AGAIN.

walked to mac.
spent abt 2 hours thr la..
then walk back to slack at blk 16 thr.
actually was stalking dono who la.
then eventually when back to where we started in the first place..

blk 110.
slacked until that stupid LUNATIC scared the hell outta me la!!
damn scary la!
he popped his head from behind the wall and laugh at us.

i faster grab her lappy and RUN!!
until he stopped chasing us la.
angela damn cute la!
reaction all damn RETARD la.

tmr gotta go school again,

got 3 period POA,my favourite.
but cant wait la..


btw THANK YOU angela!

k la..now so late le.
dream WILD


The GirlY

♥16 this year.
♥LV 42 is her world.
♥unity sec is her second home.
♥music keeps her alive.
♥chocolate is her addiction.
♥CRonaldo is her dream.


♥ a trip to PORTUGAL
♥ closet full of clothes
♥ loads of footwear
♥ do well for my N lvl
♥ shop till i drop
♥ friends to be HAPPY
♥ 2611 to be HAPPY
♥♥♥ get to know DINESH